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Hotel on Wilder Kaiser: 100% nature

Lean back, enjoy the peace and quiet, and soak up vitamin D - that’s the daily schedule at ‘Beim Hochfilzer’. Our hotel on Wilder Kaiser with premium chalets is situated in the middle of nature and surrounded by green meadows. In our Alpine Lounge you can lie in the sun, enjoy the panorama of our nature park, and watch the Haflingers in the paddock while grazing. Here, in this tranquil corner of the world, you will feel how reassuring it is to be at one with nature and forget everyday life.

Responsibility of our hotel on Wilder Kaiser

We live and work in and with nature. As a hotel operator and horse breeder it is our livelihood. Therefore, we do not only want to take from nature, but also give something back to it. In our kitchen we mostly use our own agricultural produce. Otherwise, we only use organic food and delicatessen products, and those for which we know the origin and producer - on the one hand, to avoid long journeys and support local farmers and on the other, because you can simply taste the quality. Foodstuffs that are harvested fresh and do not ripen in container ships have the opportunity to absorb all vitamins and nutrients, and thus develop their incomparable taste properly.
